Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA)

The Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA) is one of the Portugal’s leading clinical and university hospitals. It was awarded in the last five years as the one with the best performance in Portugal. The hospital center is structured as a campus supported by three areas: The Hospital de Santo António (HSA) devoted to multisystem diseases and infectious disorders; Centro Materno-Infantil do Norte (CMIN) for mother and child and Centro de Genética Médica (CGM) for genetics.
The CHUdSA is a tertiary hospital centre that serves about 3 million Portuguese, mainly from the north of the country. The hospital has a total capacity of 735 beds, 26-day hospital beds and 35 surgical rooms.
A benchmarking analysis carried out by IASIST recognized CHUdSA as the clinical leader in Portugal, giving it the best position in technologies and information systems for decision making in the health sector. CHUdSA is the affiliate hospital for the Master in Medicine of ICBAS, University of Porto, it has an Academic Clinical Centre and supports the internships for medical specialties.
Role in project
The Department of Education, Training and Research (DEFI) of CHUdSA offers wide support for clinical researchers, working in partnership with academia, funding agencies and the industry. DEFI contributes to the development of therapies through clinical trials (phases I to IV) and medical devices studies, by providing the support through study management, funding and budget. The aim is to routinely offer to the patients, in all specialities, the opportunity to participate in high quality clinical research, with a distinctive emphasis on interventional studies.
The Radiology Department of CHUdSA, directed by Prof. Manuela França, provides a comprehensive adult and paediatric inpatient and outpatient diagnostic imaging service, including imaging modalities such as General Radiology, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Mammography and Tomosynthesis. The Department also provides a comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic Interventional Radiology Service. Furthermore, the Department supports services to the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit. Every year, 200 new cases of lung cancer, 130 new cases of colorectal cancer and 240 new cases of prostate cancer are assisted at the CHUdSA.
CHUdSA will lead the research area of lung cancer within CHAIMELEON Project.